miércoles, 22 de abril de 2015

Opinions about body language

This is a space fo you to share your thoughts related to this topic. Body language. All people are welcome to participate.

21 comentarios:

  1. Some people think that words express everything we want to say, but actually there's another language which express more than any sound, that is body language. Our body explains more than sometimes we want, our face, our eyes, our hands... they all speak by themselves no matter the words we are pronouncing. Of course it changes based on some elements like our culture, our age and sometimes even our genre.

    For example, politicians need to study and learn to manage their body to convince people about what they are saying in a speech, actors when they have to perform a character or any person when they need to present an job interview. Almost every profession has its own codes to comunicate and reach an objective.

    There are psychologists, social comunicators and sociologists that investigate about body language in order to describe some behaviors which are not related with the things people say, or just to understand individuals and societies by the way they use their bodies.

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. Katheryn Pimentel R:

    In a communication we transmit information verbally and also by doing gestures with our body.

    Body language sometimes can express more than words. For example: A person that it's quiet can transmit that he/she's excited or uncomfortable about something. With body language, we can know what other people are feeling and if it's necessary, we can change or mantain our behaviour as a result of the interpretation that we make of other's non verbal language.

    It is said that a person that talks a lot, usually can omit the most important parts.
    By looking and his/her body language we can get extra information that will allow us to know if what he/she's saying is consistent with the way he/she behaves.

  4. ¿How we hold our bodies can also serve as an important part of body language?.

    Gestures can be some of the most direct and obvious body language signals. Waving, pointing, and using the fingers to indicate numerical amounts are all very common and easy to understand gestures. Some gestures may be cultural, however, so giving a thumbs-up or a peace sign might have a completely different meaning in other country.
    Gestures refers to how we hold our bodies as well as overall physical form of an individual. Posture can convey a wealth of information about how a person is feeling as well as hints about personality characteristics, such as whether a person is confident, open, or submissive.

    People cannot live without each other, we are social beings. As soon as we are in contact with others we are communicating.

    For this we can make use of spoken and written language. In these ways we make the content of a message clear to each other. However we can also communicate without words. This kind of communication tells us something about the relationship between people. Often this is more important than getting the content of the message across.

    The communication about this non spoken communication, which tells us something about the relationship between people and constantly throwing off a storm of signals.

    These signals may be silent (non-verbal) messages communicated through the sender's body movements, facial expressions, voice tone and loudness.

    In that vein, our body language is a huge part of how we communicate with other people. However, most of us only have an intuitive knowledge of non-verbal communication at best. Fortunately, if reading body language doesn't come naturally to you, or if you'd simply like to get better at it, there's a huge body of work that details what the body is really saying.
    For example, an research at Harvard and Columbia Business Schools shows that simply holding your body in expansive, “high-power” poses (leaning back with hands behind the head and feet up on a desk, or standing with legs and arms stretched wide open) for as little as two minutes stimulates higher levels of testosterone—the hormone linked to power and dominance—and lower levels of cortisol, a stress hormone.Try this when you’re feeling tentative but want to appear confident. In addition to causing hormonal shifts in both males and females, these poses lead to increased feelings of power and a higher tolerance for risk. The study also found that people are more often influenced by how they feel about you than by what you're saying.

    Other simple example is with Dogs, them are very expressive animals. They communicate when they’re feeling happy, sad, nervous, fearful and angry, and they use their faces and bodies to convey much of this information. Dog body language is an elaborate and sophisticated system of nonverbal communication that, fortunately, we can learn to recognize and interpret. Once you learn how to “read” a dog’s postures and signals, you’ll better understand his feelings and motivations and be better able to predict what he’s likely to do. These skills these skills are the same or similar in human race.

    Based on my personal experience, if you improve your body language, I guarantee you’ll increase your nonverbal impact in the workplace.



  5. ¿How we hold our bodies can also serve as an important part of body language?.

    Gestures can be some of the most direct and obvious body language signals. Waving, pointing, and using the fingers to indicate numerical amounts are all very common and easy to understand gestures. Some gestures may be cultural, however, so giving a thumbs-up or a peace sign might have a completely different meaning in other country.
    Gestures refers to how we hold our bodies as well as overall physical form of an individual. Posture can convey a wealth of information about how a person is feeling as well as hints about personality characteristics, such as whether a person is confident, open, or submissive.

    People cannot live without each other, we are social beings. As soon as we are in contact with others we are communicating.

    For this we can make use of spoken and written language. In these ways we make the content of a message clear to each other. However we can also communicate without words. This kind of communication tells us something about the relationship between people. Often this is more important than getting the content of the message across.

    The communication about this non spoken communication, which tells us something about the relationship between people and constantly throwing off a storm of signals.

    These signals may be silent (non-verbal) messages communicated through the sender's body movements, facial expressions, voice tone and loudness.

    In that vein, our body language is a huge part of how we communicate with other people. However, most of us only have an intuitive knowledge of non-verbal communication at best. Fortunately, if reading body language doesn't come naturally to you, or if you'd simply like to get better at it, there's a huge body of work that details what the body is really saying.
    For example, an research at Harvard and Columbia Business Schools shows that simply holding your body in expansive, “high-power” poses (leaning back with hands behind the head and feet up on a desk, or standing with legs and arms stretched wide open) for as little as two minutes stimulates higher levels of testosterone—the hormone linked to power and dominance—and lower levels of cortisol, a stress hormone.Try this when you’re feeling tentative but want to appear confident. In addition to causing hormonal shifts in both males and females, these poses lead to increased feelings of power and a higher tolerance for risk. The study also found that people are more often influenced by how they feel about you than by what you're saying.

    Other simple example is with Dogs, them are very expressive animals. They communicate when they’re feeling happy, sad, nervous, fearful and angry, and they use their faces and bodies to convey much of this information. Dog body language is an elaborate and sophisticated system of nonverbal communication that, fortunately, we can learn to recognize and interpret. Once you learn how to “read” a dog’s postures and signals, you’ll better understand his feelings and motivations and be better able to predict what he’s likely to do. These skills these skills are the same or similar in human race.

    Based on my personal experience, if you improve your body language, I guarantee you’ll increase your nonverbal impact in the workplace.



  6. Body language is one of the most important signs of communication, sometimes it saves us the deal of having to talk; You can just wink, stick your tongue out, roll your eyes, point with your mouth, show your middle finger, put your thumbs up and do many other expressions that will tell the people around you what you really mean.

    Some of them are offensive and some others are not, and through the years their meaning will change. For example, when you were a child sticking your tongue out meant you were fighting with the other person, and now sticking your tongue out is seen as a joke to someone.

    Body language is highly important because it has different ways of being interpreted and has a lot of uses. For example, it will help you tell if someone is telling lies, or if they are nervous, it can also make you feel comfortable when someone is speaking or it can also distracts you. When you are at a interview, the interviewers are keeping track of what you do with your hands or if you are not having eye contact when you talk.

    We must be aware of how you use your body language and with whom do you use it, it can tell a lot of things about you.

    Blanca Palacio

  7. Communication is not only about how we talk, it implies many different factors, one of the most important is body language. Body language is not the same for everyone, there are no right or wrong when it goes to this topic, because body language is about how a person can say what he/she wants to say without using words, or using them to complement.
    It doesn’t seem like it, but people are more used to use body language than talking, because they can express entirely how they feel, when somebody is really nice to you or you want to say thanks and words can’t express how grateful you are, you can show it by using it. People don’t use it only when they feel really excited or want to show their feelings but it’s something that comes naturally when they talk, some people use it more than others, this is connected with the way they were raised, some families are more expressive than others, and people from some places are more likely to be more outgoing than others. People can’t judge others by the way they talk and that’s one of the biggest problems sometimes, people can’t tolerate each other, some of them are “way to expressive” , some of them are “way to shy”, there is no way to prove who is right because none of them is. They express how they want and that is the right way for each to do it.

    Angelica Mateus

  8. What does happen when you are facing someone?, what do you feel when someone look at you with some gesture?.
    All the time in our lifes we express ourselves without talking, just telling things through our body, we express inmediately our thinking with our gestures and its important to be careful with that,because the person you are talking with is the direct victim of the actitude reflected on our gesture and it will generate also some layout, good or bad, on he/she.
    The gestures send messages to the people who is around us, and it can also reflect respect or disrespect to the other person and what she/he is saying.
    The point is not to don`t use the gestures, is that we have to know that it will have an answer from the other person and its better to be a person who knows how to express depending on the situation and the social group where she/he is.

    Lina Rivas

  9. When you meet someone new, there is more than one way to express your ideas, your fillings, your thinking’s. Is not just talking one of the ways of express yourself, you can also use body language in order to get understand. Being this as extensive as verbal communication, because sometimes the best way for communicate is not talking.
    Body language can be realized by postures, eye contact, gestures with hands and arms, speech or tone of voice. And for each one you have a lot of ways of express the same idea, as in speaking communication.
    But body language can also be against you, because sometimes you can’t control how your body feel, being as clear as pure water without knowing, For example, body react when you are lying, or if you are anxious, and is unconsciously so you don´t realize what your body is doing, but other persons does.
    For this reason, is important to know how use body language, for personal and work relationships. Making you a nice person for talking and hung up.

    David Beltran

  10. The body language its very important to communicate because: First can be used as a tool when you are expressing your ideas in an oral way the body language can be very useful, for example in a conference the panelist if he make a correct use of his body it would be much easy to catch the attention of his auditorium.
    Also the body language its very important because not always you have to express yourself in an oral way, you can also say somenthing with gestures like for example pointing with a finger to a place, or with a smile and some other gestures that people can use.
    For conclussion id would like to say that we are always using our body language even when we are speaking our body language its always with us. All our actions are an example of body language thats why its so important because in my opinion we are always communicating with the others with our body language.

    Sergio Duran

  11. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  12. Body language

    Body language is the expression of what we feel and think in a completely different way, it may sometimes be more expressive that our own words. It is possible that in some cases what you think can be controlled and camouflaged with body language, however, the chances that expressions betray them are quite big. It is important to consider that body language complements and is essential for the authenticity of discourse, i.e., to be credible.

    Body language is one of the most used communication techniques and is precisely because of its wide range of forms and intensities for different occasions. For example, in informal moments when it comes to conversation between friends, family or on a less thought, somehow it is used a naturally and much less developed body language; maybe, it’s because people are just trying to supplement what is said with a little more instinctive language. Yet, when it’s about an industrial or business environment, which is expected to give a talk or encourage certain officers of approving or join a project, movements and expressions shall change. It is usually used to handle an audience, which seeks attention grabbing to sell an idea, make people laugh, or convince others of your authority -for example-.

    Without any doubt, body language will always be connected to the personality of who performs it, because it’s not only the representation of ideas and words but also of feelings and emotions, that even though we call them by the same name, we certainly can not achieve them equally.

    Valentina Echeverry Guerra.

  13. Body language is important because when you see the movements or body posture that someone has, you can induce the mood in which they are. Body language shows the meaning of our expressions in a nonverbal way.

    Body language is very important to take in count, because I believe that it's a mirror in which one can see the emotions of other one, if you can read the body language you can see when a person is nervous, sad, excited, insecure, among others.

    Laura Acevedo

  14. Body language is a kind of nonverbal communication where thoughts, intentions, or feelings are expressed by phisical behaviours (1). A lot of people use this signs to analyse other people personality with different objectives.

    I think this technique is very useful but it does not let you know a person truly because body language is not precise and it can show you a wrong appearance about a person and be hasty before talking to someone.

  15. Every single living being have different ways to communicate among others. Some of them use spoken language as humans, others use unarticulated sounds to communicate like birds or dolphins, but we all share a type of communication that has been used for many years.

    Body language can be one of the biggest way to say something without making any sound. Thanks to body language, deaf people is able to interact with others and also to see TV shows that have deaf signs. The use of non-spoken talking is highly linked to semiotics and the meaning of signs such as the way we sat down, the way we shake hands, the way we move our hands, how we walk. Every movement can be studied by semiotics and the meanings are unbelievable.

    For example, people who shake hands very soft are people that doesn't have a high level of power, that kind of people is easily dominated by others only by shaking a hand. Have you ever been on a date where the girl plays repeatedly her hair? If your answer is yes... You did very well on that date. The meaning of playing with hair is the presence of nervous and a way to show weakness. Another nice example is the way people sat down, when you're with someone sat on a place and your partner is sat in the edge of the chair means that maybe you are being boring and he wants to leave quickly.
    I must say that these kind of examples are impossible to avoid, our body is programming to do it. We can't control that, even in courts semiotics analyze body language and can be very important to decide whether the crime is real or not. Our body lie and tell the true...

  16. When you talk about body language, there are so many things that can come to your mind. But today we are going to discuss about facial expressions that are innate of human beings. Did you know that there are six forms of facial expressions that are universal and equal in all the people? These facial expressions are the corporal representation of the six basic emotions that we share with animals. Therefore, today we will have a little bit more information for you to recognize someone´s basis emotions. But before it, it´s important to ask yourself what implications has it for you to have this knowledge about other´s emotions.
    For me, it has some pros and cons. On one hand, it will help you to know if someone is mad or happy, because facial expressions come as a result of a response of a stimulus of the environment. In other words, basic emotions are not rationalized, they come naturally. But on the other hand, it could cause problems if someone finds out that the person is faking an emotion.
    In sum, it´s important to mention that it takes a lot of experience and knowledge to read facial expressions, so be careful.

  17. Body language is one of the most interesting and important ways of language. since old times the body language have been use too express feelings, and ideas about specific situations.

    Through history autors have fine that there are 6 main facial expression that are the same in any culture around the world that express and specific feeling. Under this information you can basiclly understand most of the expresion even if you dont understand the language.

    In psychology we often use body language to understand better what person tell us. To learn how to read facial expressions and body language it take a long way and good experience cause if you are bad reading body language you can get in real troubles.

    Nicolai Giovannetti Santos

  18. Body Language is a very important aspect of communications in almost every context nowadays .In work and business environments where communications can be seen among many people, the good reading of body language becomes crucial.
    On the other hand relationships outside of work, for example in dating, mating , parenting or making new friends body plays a very important role as well.
    I think it’s really important lo learn more about body language , because in that way we could start paying attention to how body language reveals our feelings and has meanings to others and a the same that it let us know a lot more about people's feelings and meanings to us.
    The sending and receiving of body language signals happens on conscious and unconscious levels and it’s almost unbelievable the fact that 55% of our communication is from body language, 38% is based on the tone of voice and finally just a low 7% is the actual words that are being said.
    Decoding the signals that people send us with their body language is a very useful social skill. It is important to learn more about it and try to start analyzing it in many different situations, being attentive day after day we can learn how to naturally read the body language in an almost unconscious way.

    ***Alejandra Moreno ***

  19. The need to communicate has been really important for the human race for a long time, just because we are social human beings and we have the need to share and make others aware of our knowledge or feelings. People have so much in their minds, it’s a whole new world inside of us, so in order to express the most that we can, we use body language to complement our words and thoughts, we use it for “the other” to see, we use it when our words are not enough or when someone hasn’t invented a word to demonstrate what our feelings are. That`s the importance about it, for example, If someone tells you that nothing happens , but you realize that his voice is weak, he doesn’t look at you in the eyes , he has a frowny face , he stays away from you and is doing repetitive hand motions or doesn’t stop moving, what do you think ? You know something’s wrong, but for some reason, he doesn’t want to tell you. His gestures are clear, but because there is a contradiction between verbal and non-verbal part, the communication will not be fully understood. However, both his voice and his body gives you a much more valuable information that we can perceive, even though the real words are not there.

    "It is impossible not to communicate because we speak even when nothing is said ".
    -Paul Watzlawick.


  20. Communication is a vital behaviour. Nevertheless there is something to distinguish humans being from animals: language. This system includes verbal and non-verbal communication. The first requires the use of words as opposed to non-verbal expression, both are present on the daily live.

    'Body language' is the expression of feelings through physical movements. The most of time people is not aware of how much it is important to working and interpersonal relationships. Body language can support, add or contrast the idea you are saying. For example, in an job interview the hands movement cause different impressions, it communicates aspects both person as worker, it shows if a person is shy or has ability to speak in public, if he/she know about the topic or in contrast does not have idea.

    We should aware each time we communicate with others we are transmitting a message. In consequence, to have an effective communication is better that words and physical movements do not express opposite ideas.

    Nathaly Triana

  21. Communication skills is a very important topic in the modern world. To recognize the importance of having or learning how to read your parterns non-verbal or body languaje, can help you understand the difference between what they are saying and what they really mean from what they are saying. So, by developing the awareness of the signs and signals of body language is much easier to understand people and to communicate with them.
    Facial expressions, incluiding gestures and movements, indicate what is really happening on the inside of our bodies reflected on the outside. But sometimes, we can send mixed signals or messages by saying something but are body language reflects something different, so in that order, body language will directly afect on how we react to othes and also how others react to us.

    As we observe others, we can identify some signs and signal that can show how confident a person is when talking to others. Some of these are the posture, eye contact, gestures made with handsand tone of voice.

    Learnign how to read all this signs, can make you adapt more easily to the enviroment you are working or simply living at by making yourself and also others behaviour more coherent and true.

    Its really important to have the hability to be true to yourself and others.Bealive that your body languge shapes who you are and how others see you as a person, so in that way you can choose what you want others to feel about you, being as real on the inside as in the outside.

    Manuela De La Pava
